Belize Fund Hosts Strategic Partnership Signing & Grant Awards

On June 28th, we hosted a Strategic Partnership Signing with the Belize Marine Protected Areas Network (BMPAN) and granted awards to the National Garifuna Council, the Belize Tourism Industry Association and Humana People to People Belize.

✨ Highlights of the Event ✨

🪸 Signing of a Strategic Partnership Agreement, with an investment of BZ $3,895,000.92 over 3 years (June 2024 – May 2027), to strengthen compliance and enforcement within Belize’s marine protected areas, ensuring effective management and protection of marine biodiversity.

▪ Corozal Bay Wildlife Sanctuary and Bacalar Chico National Park managed by the Sarteneja Alliance for Conservation and Development

▪️ Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve managed by the Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association

▪️ Blue Hole and Half Moon Natural Monument (Lighthouse reef atoll) managed by the Belize Audubon Society

▪️ Laughing Bird National Park, Gladden Spit and Silk Cayes Marine Reserve, Placencia Lagoon managed by the Southern Environmental Association

▪️ Port Honduras Marine Reserve and Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve managed by the Toledo Institute for Development and Environment

🌊 Presentation of Grant Awards totaling BZ $745,889 to:

▪️ Humana People to People Belize (BZ $515,860) to reshape plastic usage patterns through public education and by transforming plastic waste into marketable recycled products.

▪️ Belize Tourism Industry Association (BTIA) (BZ $80,029) to create a training program for students and tour guides to increase knowledge and appreciation for marine conservation.

▪️ National Garifuna Council (BZ $150,000) to identify solutions to mitigate shoreline erosion in Barranco Village.