Application Process

Proposals should focus on coastal and marine areas of Belize but can also target terrestrial areas, provided that there is a direct nexus between the funding and coastal and marine outcomes in alignment with the BFSF Strategic Objectives.

Transboundary projects are also permitted provided that the above condition is also met.

There are three (3) categories of awards that may be applied for:

  1. Small Grants - Awards up to BZ$50,000 NOT exceeding one year.
  2. Medium Grants- Awards over BZ$50,000 but less than BZ$150,000.00 NOT exceeding two years.
  3. Large Grants - Awards over BZ$150,000.00 NOT exceeding three years.

Co-financing under the GAP is required based on the size or category of an award.

  1. There is no co-financing requirement for small grants of up to BZD $50,000.
  2. Medium grants between $50,000 to $150,000 require that 10-25% of the total project cost is co-financed by the applicant or collaborating partners.
  3. Large grants above $150,000 require that between 25-50% of the total project cost is co-financed by the applicant and/or collaborating partners.

BFSF will only consider proposals that are aligned with and that directly help to achieve the four Strategic Objectives: Protection for Biodiversity, Sustainable Fisheries, Climate Resilience and Blue Business Innovation and which support the Mission and Vision of the BFSF.

BFSF will NOT consider proposals that are to be used directly or indirectly for any of the following:

  1. Activities relating to the extraction or depletion of non-renewable natural resources (including forests, trees, minerals and oil / gas);
  2. The resettlement of people or the removal or alteration of any physical cultural property;
  3. Debts and provisions for existing losses or debts;
  4. Projects relating to political campaigns and / or political propaganda;
  5. Operating costs and capital expenditure costs that do not directly contribute to or ensure the achievement of the SOs; and
  6. Any other use not consistent with the Vision, Mission and Goals of the BFSF.

For the first year (2022) of the Fund, based on its operationalization, the first Call for Proposals is scheduled for the 16th of December 2022 with a deadline of January 31st 2023.

Step 1: Review against Screening Criteria

The BFSF staff shall review all applications against the eligibility criteria and inform applicants whether their applications successfully pass the screening process within fourteen (14) days of the application window closing.

Step 2: Review against Technical Criteria

The BFSF technical team shall review all applications against technical criteria within forty-five (45) days of the application window closing.

Step 3: Board Decision

Based on the above, the BFSF Board shall make its decision within seventy-five days (75) days of the application window closing.  BFSF Team shall communicate this decision to the applicants.

Step 4: Signing the Award Agreement

BFSF and Grantee Partners shall negotiate and sign the Award Agreement. A draft Grant Agreement will be shared with Partners for review prior to signing.