Restoring Science, Community Engagement and Megafauna Tourism at Gladden Spit Marine Reserve


MarAlliance (MAR)


Gladden Spit and the Silk Cayes Marine Reserve

Thematic Area:

Protection For Biodiversity


June 2023 – May 2026

Funds from Belize Fund ($BZD):


Co-financing ($BZD):


Project Goal:

To improve the status of commercial fish and support a basis for marine wildlife encounter tourism in Southern Belize.

Project Objectives:

  1. Status of Gladden Spit MPA’s FSA and megafauna resources are assessed relative to environmental conditions.
  2. Resources, instruments, and capacities for rewilding of ecologically and economically important marine species in the Gladden Spit MPA are improved.
  3. Develop communication instruments to inform key stakeholders and the public on findings, activities, and proposed initiatives at Gladden Spit.

Expected Outputs:

  1. Fish Spawning Aggregation (FSA) monitored.
  2. Marine megafauna and Fish Spawning Aggregation (FSA) monitored at Gladden Spit.
  3. Environmental monitoring of water quality parameters.
  4. Local fishing associations actively participate as members of the FSA and Shark Working Groups.
  5. Citizen science (CS) program developed.
  6. Trained fishers, guides, rangers, biologists, and students in identification of target species, reproductive life history characteristics, monitoring techniques and evaluations.
  7. Updated FSA monitoring protocol.
  8. Updated FSA and shark tourism course for Gladden Spit.
  9. Automation and standardization of data collection and analysis.
  10. Broadened communication and collaborations with key stakeholders.
  11. Creation of educational outreach materials and social media.
  12. A long-term management and financial sustainability plan developed.

Approved Project Proposal: