Belize Fund Holds First Awards Ceremony for GSA and GAP Projects


Belize City, April 26, 2023

The Belize Fund for A Sustainable Future (Belize Fund) celebrated its First Awards Ceremony on April 25th, 2023, recognizing the recipients of the Government Strategic Allocation (GSA) and the Grants Awards Program (GAP). The Belize Fund awarded grant funding to governmental and non-governmental entities that proposed projects to conserve marine and coastal life and build a sustainable future for Belize. Over the next three years, the Belize Fund will allocate BZ $14,768,913.50 to these initiatives.

The GSA is crucial funding for the government and its agencies to enable the Marine Spatial Plan through enhanced governance, management, and monitoring of Belize’s coastal and marine resources. The Blue Bond & Finance Permanence Unit (BBFP) was granted BZ $11,692,815.20, with the funds disbursed across six implementing agencies: the Belize Fisheries Department with BZ $3,040,000.00, Belize High Seas Fisheries Unit with BZ $1,151,565.00, Belize Coast Guard with BZ $1,000,000.00, Coastal Zone Management Authority & Institute with BZ $2,030,000.00, Belize Forest Department with BZ $1,759,639.00, and the Blue Bond & Finance Permanence Unit with BZ $2,711,611.00.

The GAP awards are selected based on a competitive application process where proposals undergo a technical review to align with and support the Conservation Funding Agreement (CFA). Six non-governmental organizations received BZ $3,076,098.30 to safeguard Belize’s marine and coastal resources: Wildtracks was granted BZ$150,000, Sarteneja Alliance for Conservation and Development (SACD) with BZ $350,000.00, Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association (TASA) with BZ $831,788.00, The University of Belize Environmental Research Institute (UB-ERI) with BZ $290,598.30, Fragments of Hope with BZ $801,370.00, and MarAlliance (MAR) with BZ $652,342.00.

This accomplishment is a testament to the Belize Fund’s commitment to enhancing marine conservation and sustainability in Belize, promising a better tomorrow for the nation. The Belize Fund for A Sustainable Future looks forward to continuing its important work in nurturing a sustainable future for Belize.