Belize Fund Reveals Official Logo!

The Belize Fund for a Sustainable Future Reveals Winning Logo

Belize City, Belize.  December 5th, 2022.

The Belize Fund for a Sustainable Future (BFSF) is pleased to announce that it has chosen a logo to represent this newly established fund.  A public logo competition was launched on October 13th, 2022, inviting persons to submit up to three original logo designs.  By engaging the public in designing our logo, we aimed to tap into the wide variety of artistic styles, creative interpretations, and fresh perspectives of the Belizean public and to stimulate public interest in the purpose of the BFSF.  Participants were asked to create a logo that was simple, memorable, and versatile. Most importantly, the winning logo should reflect the purpose of the BFSF which is to support the conservation and sustainable use of Belize’s marine resources.

At the close of the competition at 5 PM on October 28th, 2022, the BFSF had received 65 unique, diverse, and attractive logo submissions. After much deliberation, the BFSF chose the following logo submitted by Demois Williams. 

Demois Williams has been awarded a prize of $500 Belize dollars for her contribution.  A second prize of $250 Belize dollars was awarded to Edlin Cantun, who also submitted an outstanding logo.

The selection of the name was announced in a short social media event held at 11:00 AM on Monday, December 5th, 2022.  Speaking at the event, Executive Director, Dr. Leandra Cho-Ricketts, thanked the public for their participation saying that:

“The BFSF is committed to engaging the public to ensure all Belizeans are familiar with the fund and that there is ready access by Belizeans to the fund, and in so doing, participate in the conservation of Belize’s marine resources and the development of a sustainable blue economy.  As we reviewed these entries, we were impressed at the creativity and diversity of the entries.  We sincerely thank all participants for the energy you invested, and we invite all Belizeans to remain engaged as we launch our first grant cycle on December 16th 2022.”

The Belize Fund for a Sustainable Future was legally established in March 2022 as an independent, non-profit fund to support the sustainable development of our marine resources aligned with Belize’s conservation commitments. It is governed by a Board of Directors comprising nine (9) members, of which five (5) are non-government, who form the majority, and four (4) are government. 

Starting in 2022, the BFSF will manage approximately $7.2 million Belize dollars per year, generated from Belize’s pioneering blue bond debt conversion agreement, officially known as the Blue Loan Agreement and the Conservation Funding Agreement.  This debt conversion has allowed Belize to convert national debt into marine conservation financing over the next 20 years.  The BFSF will provide conservation grants to non-government, government, and private sector agencies. The BFSF also aims to attract funds from other sources to support sustainable livelihoods and the preservation of our marine resources.


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